目前分類:【2012 LONDON】食記 (4)

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The Liberty Bounds, Tower of London
15 Trinity SquareTower HillTower of LondonGreater London EC3N 4AA
020 7481 0513
nEO_IMG_London day4-371

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Rock & Sole Plaice
47 Endell Street, London, WC2H 9AJ (Piccadilly Line, Covent Garden)
020 7836 3785

 nEO_IMG_London day5-168

Yes, finally, 終於要來吃這英國出名的 Fish & Chips,

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28 St Martin's Courtyard off Long Acre London WC2E 9AB
0207 240 8183
nEO_IMG_London day1-482

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Jamie's Italian
10 -12 Upper St Martin's Lane London WC2H 9JY, Area: Covent Garden
020 3326 6390

 nEO_IMG_London day5-099

每次在電視上看到 Jamie Oliver 去自家後院抓幾把青菜,

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